JurassiCraftMod Wikia

Ajuginucula smithii[]

  • Height: 1 block
    JC screenshot - Ajuginucula

    A field of Ajuginucula smithii

  • Typical crop, planted on farmland
  • Time: Oligocene
  • Native biome(s): None (obtain from fossils)
  • Resource(s):
    • Food
  • Edibility:
    Ajuginucula smithii oil recipe

    Ajuginucula smithii oil, an essential part of many future recipes

    • Edible to herbivores
    • Edible to humans

First discovered in 1926, Ajuginucula smithii is known from Oligocene nutlet (tiny fruit) fossils found on the Isle of Wight, UK. It is one of the very earliest known representatives of the Lamiaceae, or mint family of flowering plants.

The mint family is known for its non-toxic, often pleasantly fragrant herbs, and A. smithii is no exception. It can be eaten raw or as part of more elaborate food dishes, and an edible, fragrant oil can be extracted for further culinary uses. The plant's aroma has been described by Jurassic Park kitchen staff as being "somewhere between oregano and basil, but with its own unique accent". Although somewhat delicate and highly vulnerable to frost damage, A. smithii is a non-fussy plant that is relatively easy to grow on conventional farmland, and does well in warm climates. Its flowers are also very popular with bees.

Food dishes that use this plant:
